I have been away from my blog for quite some time. These days I am tied up in my low paying work too much.

Today I got a small window to write some of my favorite things in my life right now...take a look!

1. I have promised myself that I will get in shape and thanks to my very loving sweet bf, I am working out regularly. He showed me the way, got me a diet plan and a workout plan. Thanks Cherie! So if you guys want to see it or download it, please visit the links. It has just been a week and I am starting to see change in my body already!!!! So excited! A big hug to you!

2. This beauty mask is doing good on problem skin.

3. Lingerie to match your skin tone.

4. New Huggies diaper.

5. Anti -Trump chocolate bars.

6. The Sunday breakfast I plan to make........yummm!!!!!!!!!!!!!

7. The movie I am waiting for!

8. I like Coca Cola, but never had it flavored. Where can I get this?

9. The Shaolin women of Afghan mountains. So proud of this, you go girls!!!

10. Has anyone with acne tried a Green Tea scrub ? This is working wonders for my skin. Applied for 3 days and my acne has reduced by 2%.